Small China Mark |
Mouse Moth |
Six Striped Rustic |
Some of you may know that I recently purchased a large collection of butterfly and moth specimens plus a huge amount of setting and collecting equipment so I've been very busy with that recently as well as being in the midst of a family crisis. I have tried to put the trap out at least every other night(or in the kitchen doorway if it's been raining) but I have been very disappointed by the lack of moths compared to last year. I've sorted the collection now and the family crisis has just about sorted itself so with tonight being the warmest night for 2 weeks I put the trap out, I looked at it and realised that the lamp was nowhere near as bright as it should be so I swapped it for a new one and within seconds(literally!) the moths came swarming over. I get a bad feeling that I've been attempting to trap with a 'dull' lamp for the last few weeks and hopefully things will pick up again now it's been replaced.
Anyway the last 7 days have managed 3 new species including one NFG Macro(Mouse Moth) and one Small China Mark(NFG)(ID thanks to Bill)