Yes I know I've spent most of the last 4 months working on a home built moth trap but the trap or should I say traps I have ended up with aren't really small enough to fit in our car alongside all our camping gear and the other items needed for our regular camping trips so taking advantage of the fact that it's the end of the season and a bargain was likely to be had I contacted Paul Batty and purchased one of his amazing 'suitcase traps'(http://www.pwbelg.clara.net/mercury/case/index.html). I took the MV and the actinic option so that I can even use it on busy camp sites and I also got the cap fitted so I can use it with my generator. Despite the fact it folds up and I can get everything into the aluminium case it's a fairly large trap when it's set up so I now need to get some more egg crates!. I have never used a MV lamp so I was really pleased when tonight was mild enough to put the trap out, fortunately the lamp is the same size as the MBT so I can still use the cafetiere as a rain shield and it did rain very lightly so I'm glad I put it on. Early on I got around 20 micros in the trap but a few macros started arriving after 10pm, there were more than I expected for mid-October and they included a Rosy Rustic which is a new species for my garden.
The trap was out from 7pm to 4am
Tonight's Log
1 Blair's Shoulder-Knot
1 Silver-Y
1 Rosy Rustic(see photo above)
3 Grey Pine Carpet(see photo above)
1 Common Marbled Carpet
1 Setaceous Hebrew Character
1 Shuttle Shaped Dart
1 Willow Beauty
1 Setaceous Hebrew Character
1 Shuttle Shaped Dart
1 Willow Beauty
PS: If anyone wants to comment on the music I've added to my blog I would love to hear your thoughts!
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