It turned out to be a surprisingly warm evening with plenty of cloud so ideal conditions for trapping, Foremark Reservoir is a Severn Trent Water nature conservation site with plenty of woodland surrounding the car park that everyone gathered in. I set up the 'Skinner' and quite quickly saw results with a lot of Carpet moths heading toward the trap within minutes, quite a few other species turned up during the night and 2 other traps with MV lamps were also being used not far from me one of which had attracted a couple of Black Rustic which I unfortunately didn't get in my trap but I did get to see one and very beautiful it was. Big thanks to Chris Burnett for running the event and big big thanks to the guy who jump started our car after the battery died(bloody Volvos!) I didn't get your name sorry but thanks!.
Observed or caught on the night were...
Large Yellow Underwing
Common Marbled Carpet
Grey Pine Carpet
Green Carpet
Copper Underwing
Common Wainscot
Canary Shouldered Thorn
Pink Barred Sallow(see photo above)
Pine Carpet(see photo above)(ID thanks to Leigh)
Deep Brown Dart(see photo above)(ID thanks to Leigh)
looks like a pine carpet and a deep brown dart, may be wrong though.