It's a bit warmer tonight so I decided to put both traps out again to see which did best but this time I put the 'Skinner' where my trap had been last time and vice versa, I'm still using energy saving light bulbs so the results aren't amazing but they are quite interesting.
Both lamps went on at 9:50pm and by 11pm both traps had 4 micros in them, by midnight my design trap had a Silver-Y, 2 Mother Of Pearl and 2 Riband Wave but the Skinner had 2 Dark Arches and a Brimstone as well as around 6 more micros. At 2:30am the Skinner didn't appear to have trapped anything new(but you never know what might be hiding under the egg boxes!), my design had now added quite a few more micros including 1 Phlyctaenia Coronata as well as 1 Scalloped Oak, 1 Garden Pebble, 1 Emmelina monodactyla and a 3rd Riband Wave.
I got both traps in at 3:30am and over all it was a reasonable haul but my design caught the most(again) which considering it's just a sheet with some sticks holding it up is quite bizarre(there's a photo of my trap in the web album - link below....if anyone wants to know the design just ask but no laughing!).
Tonights Log
My Trap
3 Riband Wave
2 Mother Of Pearl
1 Silver-Y
1 Emmelina monodactyla
1 Phlyctaenia Coronata
1 Scalloped Oak
1 unidentified(see photo above)
7 of those pesky brown things(see web album if anyone can identify this species I would be most grateful)
21 micros (not including the Phlyctaenia Coronata)
'Skinner' Trap
2 Dark Arches
1 Brimstone
3 Marbled Beauty
1 Riband Wave(the only species caught by both traps!)
2 brown ones(still unidentified!!)
14 micros(not including the Marbled Beauty)
The thing that confuses me the most is that I haven't had a catch as good as the first night I put my trap out when I got a lot more moths and one of them was a Poplar Hawk, do moths get wise to traps and avoid them?.
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