As my dear old granny used to say "Never listen to good advice if it stops you having fun"! and tonight has been a prime example of how I should have listened to that gem of wisdom instead of listening to the 'experts'. 'It's going to rain at 10pm' said the weather girl on TV, 'it's going to rain at 10pm' said the BBC weather site....'it's going to rain at 10pm' said my wife after listening to the TV weather girl and looking at the BBC weather site....but did it rain?.....did it bo**ocks!!(Well not until after 1am anyhow).
I decided to beat the alleged rain by putting the MBT lamp on the inside of my window ledge so I could carry on working on the PC and keep an eye on the moths at the same time, it wasn't long before the Large Yellow Underwings were banging against the window trying to get in and they weren't alone. I counted 6 Silver-Y, a multitude of micros and at one point when I nipped out with a torch I found 2 Grey Dagger, 3 Copper Underwing, 1 Spectacle and about 20 assorted macros as well as a beautiful Sallow Kitten(see photo above) which was sitting on a leaf in a plant pot just outside my window.
Without the trap being used it was near impossible to keep track and guarantee a correct 'head count' so unfortunately tonight can't be logged....I'll have to get into town ASAP and find a suitable cover for the lamp so that I can put it out even when it's 'likely to rain'.
ReplyDeleteI used to rest 2 pieces of timber across the trap, either side of the bulb and place a clear pyrex bowl over the bulb. You`ve got to make sure the timber is deep enough so the bowl doesn`t touch the bulb.
Hope that helps.
I'm hoping to find a sensibly priced cafetiere to cover the entire light fitting but they appear to have gone out of fashion because I can't find one anywhere locally?.